Reuters - by Phoebe SPELLMAN
In a last-ditch attempt, the British-led NATO forces would launch a grand strike into the After long days of fighting, it seems the forces of KLFA have been defeated and NATO along with British forces have achieved victory. NATO forces have now begun to gradually withdraw from Kenya, transferring the responsibility of ensuring security in Kenya back to British colonial forces. After KLFA surrendered, the Warsaw Pact forces in the area would also be withdrawn.
However, many questions were raised about the UK’s use of chemicals in order to flush out Mau Mau fighters hiding inside tunnels. The UK has clarified that it was merely an unwise decision made while being cornered to a dead end and sends its deepest condolences to those affected by these chemicals and the soil that became inhabitable after the British force utilized chemical weapons.
The retreat of NATO and British forces will seem to open new doors for the British-Kenyan conflict, and Britain assures that this action is not meant to engage in conflict, but merely as a defense against Kenya’s previous attacks towards British forces.